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Preprocess Multiresolution Images for Training Classification Network

This example shows how to prepare datastores that read and preprocess multiresolution whole slide images (WSIs) that might not fit in memory.

Deep learning approaches to tumor classification rely on digital pathology, in which whole tissue slides are imaged and digitized. The resulting WSIs have high resolution, on the order of 200,000-by-100,000 pixels. WSIs are frequently stored in a multiresolution format to facilitate efficient display, navigation, and processing of images.

Read and process WSI data usingblockedImageandblockedImageDatastore对象。这些对象方便使用multiple resolution levels and do not require the image to be loaded into core memory. This example shows how to use lower resolution image data to efficiently prepare data from the finer levels. You can use the processed data to train classification deep learning networks. For an example, seeClassify Tumors in Multiresolution Blocked Images.

Download Camelyon16 Data Set

This example uses WSIs from the Camelyon16 challenge [1]. The data from this challenge contains a total of 400 WSIs of lymph nodes from two independent sources, separated into 270 training images and 130 test images. The WSIs are stored as TIF files in a stripped format with an 11-level pyramid structure.

The training data set consists of 159 WSIs of normal lymph nodes and 111 WSIs of lymph nodes with tumor and healthy tissue. Ground truth coordinates of the lesion boundaries accompany the tumor images.

SpecifydataDiras the target location of the data. The size of the data set is approximately 451 GB.

dataDir = fullfile(tempdir,"Camelyon16");

To download the training data, go to theCamelyon17website and click the first "CAMELYON16 data set" link.

Open the "training" directory, then follow these steps:

  1. Download the "" file. Extract the files to the directory specified by thetrainAnnotationDirvariable.

  2. Open the "normal" directory. Download the images to the directory specified by thetrainNormalDirvariable.

  3. Open the "tumor" directory. Download the images to the directory specified by thetrainTumorDirvariable.

trainingDir = fullfile(dataDir,"training"); trainNormalDir = fullfile(trainingDir,"normal"); trainTumorDir = fullfile(trainingDir,"tumor"); trainAnnotationDir = fullfile(trainingDir,"lesion_annotations");if~exist(dataDir,"dir") mkdir(trainingDir) mkdir(trainNormalDir) mkdir(trainTumorDir) mkdir(trainAnnotationDir)end


Get the file names of the normal and tumor training images.

normalFileSet =,"normal*")); normalFilenames = normalFileSet.FileInfo.Filename; tumorFileSet =,"tumor*")); tumorFilenames = tumorFileSet.FileInfo.Filename;

One of the training images of normal tissue, "normal_144.tif," is missing important metadata required to deduce the physical extents of the image. Exclude this file.

normalFilenames(contains(normalFilenames,"normal_144")) = [];

Create two arrays ofblockedImageobjects, one for normal images and one for the tumor images. EachblockedImageobject points to the corresponding image file on disk.

normalImages = blockedImage(normalFilenames); tumorImages = blockedImage(tumorFilenames);

Display WSI Images

To get a better understanding of the training data, display the blocked images of normal tissue. The images at a coarse resolution level are small enough to fit in memory, so you can visually inspect theblockedImagedata in theImage Browserapp using thebrowseBlockedImageshelper function. This helper function is attached to the example as a supporting file. Note that the images contain a lot of empty white space and that the tissue occupies only a small portion of the image. These characteristics are typical of WSIs.


Explore a singleblockedImagein more depth. Select a sample tumor image to visualize, then display the image using thebigimageshowfunction. The function automatically selects the resolution level based on the screen size and the current zoom level.

idxSampleTumorImage = 10; tumorImage = tumorImages(idxSampleTumorImage); h = bigimageshow(tumorImage); title("Resolution Level: "+h.ResolutionLevel)

Zoom in to an area of interest. The resolution level automatically increases to show more detail.

xlim([33600, 35000]) ylim([104600, 106000]) title("Resolution Level: "+h.ResolutionLevel)

Align Spatial Extents

When you work with multiple resolution levels of a multiresolution image, the spatial extents of each level must match. If spatial extents are aligned, then information such as masks can be extracted at coarse resolution levels and correctly applied to matching locations at finer resolution levels. For more information, seeSet Up Spatial Referencing for Blocked Images.

Inspect the dimensions of the sample tumor image at each resolution level. Level 1 has the most pixels and is the finest resolution level. Level 10 has the fewest pixels and is the coarsest resolution level. The aspect ratio is not consistent, which usually indicates that the levels do not span the same world area.

levelSizeInfo = table((1:length(tumorImage.Size))',...tumorImage.Size(:,1),...tumorImage.Size(:,2),...tumorImage.Size(:,1)./tumorImage.Size(:,2),...VariableNames=["Resolution Level""Image Width""Image Height""Aspect Ratio"]); disp(levelSizeInfo)
Resolution Level Image Width Image Height Aspect Ratio ________________ ___________ ____________ ____________ 1 2.1555e+05 97792 2.2042 2 1.0803e+05 49152 2.1979 3 54272 24576 2.2083 4 27136 12288 2.2083 5 13824 6144 2.25 6 7168 3072 2.3333 7 1577 3629 0.43455 8 3584 1536 2.3333 9 2048 1024 2 10 1024 512 2 11 512 512 1

Set the spatial referencing for all training data by using thesetSpatialReferencingForCamelyon16helper function. This function is attached to the example as a supporting file. ThesetSpatialReferencingForCamelyon16function sets theWorldStartandWorldEndproperties of eachblockedImageobject using the spatial referencing information from the TIF file metadata.

normalImages = setSpatialReferencingForCamelyon16(normalImages); tumorImages = setSpatialReferencingForCamelyon16(tumorImages);

Create Tissue Masks

The majority of a typical WSI consists of background pixels. To process WSI data efficiently, you can create a region of interest (ROI) mask from a coarse resolution level, and then limit computations at finer resolution levels to regions within the ROI. For more information, seeProcess Blocked Images Efficiently Using Mask.

Consider these two factors when picking a mask level:

  • The image size at the chosen mask level. To process the masks more quickly, use a lower resolution level.

  • The fidelity of ROI boundaries at the chosen level. To capture the boundary accurately, use a higher resolution level.

This example uses a coarse resolution level to create masks for the training images of normal tissue.

normalMaskLevel = 8;

The background is uniformly light. You can segment out the tissue through a simple thresholding operation. Apply a threshold in a block-wise manner to all normal training images using theapplyfunction. Save the results to disk by specifying theOutputLocation名称-值参数。

trainNormalMaskDir = fullfile(trainingDir,"normal_mask_level"+ num2str (normalMaskLevel));if~isfolder(trainNormalMaskDir) normalMasks = apply(normalImages, @(bs)imclose(im2gray(bs.Data)<150, ones(5)),...BlockSize=[512 512],...Level=normalMaskLevel,...UseParallel=canUseGPU,...OutputLocation=trainNormalMaskDir); save(fullfile(trainNormalMaskDir,"normalMasks.mat"),"normalMasks")elseload(fullfile(trainNormalMaskDir,"normalMasks.mat"),"normalMasks");end

Display Tissue Masks

The tissue masks have only one level and are small enough to fit in memory. Display the tissue masks in theImage Browserapp using thebrowseBlockedImageshelper function. This helper function is attached to the example as a supporting file.


Based on the overview, select oneblockedImageto further assess the accuracy of the tissue mask. Display theblockedImageusing thebigimageshowfunction. Display the mask as an overlay on theblockedImageusing theshowlabelsfunction. Set the transparency of each pixel using theAlphaData名称-值参数。像素内的ROI, the labels are fully transparent. For pixels outside the ROI, the label is partially transparent and appears with a green tint.

idxSampleNormalImage = 42; normalImage = normalImages(idxSampleNormalImage); normalMask = normalMasks(idxSampleNormalImage); hNormal = bigimageshow(normalImage); showlabels(hNormal,normalMask,AlphaData=normalMask,Alphamap=[0.3 0]) title("Tissue; Background Has Green Tint")

Zoom in to inspect an area of interest.

xlim([47540 62563]) ylim([140557 155581])

Create Tumor Masks

In tumor images, the ROI consists of tumor tissue. The color of tumor tissue is similar to the color of healthy tissue, so you cannot use color segmentation techniques. Instead, create ROIs by using the ground truth coordinates of the lesion boundaries that accompany the tumor images. These regions are hand drawn at the finest level.

Display Tumor Boundaries

为了更好地了解肿瘤的优秀人才g data, read the ground truth boundary coordinates and display the coordinates as freehand ROIs using theshowCamelyon16TumorAnnotationshelper function. This helper function is attached to the example as a supporting file. Notice that normal regions (shown with a green boundary) can occur inside tumor regions.

idxSampleTumorImage = 64; tumorImage = tumorImages(idxSampleTumorImage); showCamelyon16TumorAnnotations(tumorImage,trainAnnotationDir); xlim([77810 83602]) ylim([139971 145763])

Convert Polygon Coordinates to Binary Blocked Images

指定the resolution level of the tumor masks.

tumorMaskLevel = 8;

Create a tumor mask for each image using thecreateMaskForCamelyon16TumorTissuehelper function. This helper function is attached to the example as a supporting file. For each image, the function performs these operations.

  • Read the (x,y) boundary coordinates for all ROIs in the annotated XML file.

  • Separate the boundary coordinates for tumor and normal tissue ROIs into separate cell arrays.

  • Convert the cell arrays of boundary coordinates to a binary blocked image using thepolyToBlockedImagefunction. In the binary image, the ROI indicates tumor pixels and the background indicates normal tissue pixels. Pixels that are within both tumor and normal tissue ROIs are classified as background.

trainTumorMaskDir = fullfile(trainingDir,"tumor_mask_level"+num2str(tumorMaskLevel));if~isfolder(trainTumorMaskDir) mkdir(trainTumorMaskDir) tumorMasks = createMaskForCamelyon16TumorTissue(tumorImages,trainAnnotationDir,trainTumorMaskDir,tumorMaskLevel); save(fullfile(trainTumorMaskDir,"tumorMasks.mat"),"tumorMasks")elseload(fullfile(trainTumorMaskDir,"tumorMasks.mat"),"tumorMasks");end

The tumor masks have only one resolution level and are small enough to fit in memory. Display the tumor masks in theImage Browserapp using thebrowseBlockedImageshelper function. This helper function is attached to the example as a supporting file.


Confirm Fidelity of Mask to ROI Boundaries

Select a sample tumor image that has intricate regions, and display theblockedImageusing thebigimageshowfunction. Display the mask as an overlay on theblockedImageusing theshowlabelsfunction. Set the transparency of each pixel using theAlphaData名称-值参数。像素内的ROI, the labels are fully transparent. For pixels outside the ROI, the label is partially transparent and appears with a green tint.

idxSampleTumorImage = 64; tumorImage = tumorImages(idxSampleTumorImage); tumorMask = tumorMasks(idxSampleTumorImage); hTumor = bigimageshow(tumorImage); showlabels(hTumor,tumorMask,AlphaData=tumorMask,Alphamap=[0.3 0]); title("Tumor; Background Has Green Tint") xlim([77810 83602]) ylim([139971 145763])

Select Blocks For Training

You can train a network using data from any resolution level. Finer resolution levels provide more homogenous blocks for either class. Coarser levels, which cover a larger spatial region for the same block size, have more surrounding context. For this example, select blocks at the finest resolution level.

trainingLevel = 1;

指定the block size to match the input size of the network. This example uses a block size suitable for the Inception-v3 network.

networkBlockSize = [299 299 3];

Create sets of normal and tumor blocks using theselectBlockLocationsfunction. This function selects blocks that are within the specified mask area. You can refine the number of selected blocks for each class by specifying theBlockOffsetsandInclusionThresholdname-value arguments. Consider these two factors when calling theselectBlockLocationsfunction.

  • The amount of training data. Using as much of the training data as possible helps to generalize the network during training and ensures a good class representation balance in the selected block set. Increase the number of selected blocks by decreasing theBlockOffsetsandInclusionThresholdname-value arguments.

  • The hardware and time available to train. Using more blocks requires more training time or more powerful hardware. Decrease the number of selected blocks by increasing theBlockOffsetsandInclusionThresholdname-value arguments.

Select blocks within the normal images using the tissue masks. This example specifies values ofBlockOffsetsandInclusionThresholdthat result in a relatively small number of blocks.

normalOffsetFactor = 3.5; normalInclusionThreshold = 0.97; blsNormalData = selectBlockLocations(normalImages,...BlockSize=networkBlockSize(1:2),...BlockOffsets=round(networkBlockSize(1:2)*normalOffsetFactor),...Levels=trainingLevel,...Masks=normalMasks,...InclusionThreshold=normalInclusionThreshold,...ExcludeIncompleteBlocks=true,...UseParallel=canUseGPU); disp(blsNormalData)
blockLocationSet with properties: ImageNumber: [190577×1 double] BlockOrigin: [190577×3 double] BlockSize: [299 299 3] Levels: [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 … ]

Select blocks within the tumor images using the tumor masks. This example specifies values ofBlockOffsetsandInclusionThresholdthat result in a relatively small number of blocks.

tumorOffsetFactor = 1; tumorInclusionThreshold = 0.90; blsTumorData = selectBlockLocations(tumorImages,...BlockSize=networkBlockSize(1:2),...BlockOffsets=round(networkBlockSize(1:2)*tumorOffsetFactor),...Levels=trainingLevel,...Masks=tumorMasks,...InclusionThreshold=tumorInclusionThreshold,...ExcludeIncompleteBlocks=true,...UseParallel=canUseGPU); disp(blsTumorData)
blockLocationSet with properties: ImageNumber: [181679×1 double] BlockOrigin: [181679×3 double] BlockSize: [299 299 3] Levels: [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 … ]

Create Blocked Image Datastores for Training and Validation

Create a singleblockedImageDatastoreobject by combining the sets of normal and tumor blocks.

allImages = [normalImages,tumorImages]; blsAll = blockLocationSet(...[blsNormalData.ImageNumber; blsTumorData.ImageNumber + numel(normalImages)],...[blsNormalData.BlockOrigin; blsTumorData.BlockOrigin],...networkBlockSize,trainingLevel); dsAllBlocks = blockedImageDatastore(allImages,BlockLocationSet=blsAll);

Shuffle the blocks to reduce chances of overfitting and to increase generalization in the training process.

dsAllBlocks = shuffle(dsAllBlocks);

Partition the blocks into training and validation data sets. Allocate 99% of the blocks for training and use the remaining 1% for validation.

numericBlockLabels = [zeros(size(blsNormalData.ImageNumber)); ones(size(blsTumorData.ImageNumber))]; blockLabels = categorical(numericBlockLabels,[0,1],["normal","tumor"]); idx = splitlabels(blockLabels,0.99,"randomized"); dsTrain = subset(dsAllBlocks,idx{1}); dsVal = subset(dsAllBlocks,idx{2});

Training a classification network requires labeled training data. Label each block asnormalortumor基于包含块的图像。指定the block labels asnormalandtumor.

numericImageLabels = [zeros(size(normalImages)),ones(size(tumorImages))]; imageLabels = categorical(numericImageLabels,[0,1],["normal","tumor"]);

Transform theblockedImageDatastoresuch that the datastore returns both blocks and corresponding labels using thetransformfunction and thelabelCamelyon16Blockshelper function. The helper function is attached to the example as a supporting file.

ThelabelCamelyon16Blockshelper function derives the block label from the image index, which is stored in theImageNumberfield of the block metadata. The helper function returns the block data and label as a two-element cell array, suitable for training a classification network.

dsTrainLabeled = transform(dsTrain,...@(block,blockInfo) labelCamelyon16Blocks(block,blockInfo,imageLabels),IncludeInfo=true); dsValLabeled = transform(dsVal,...@(block,blockInfo) labelCamelyon16Blocks(block,blockInfo,imageLabels),IncludeInfo=true);

Augment Training Data

Augment the training data using thetransformfunction and theaugmentBlocksReflectionRotationhelper function. The helper function is attached to the example as a supporting file.

TheaugmentBlocksReflectionRotationhelper function increases the size of the training data by creating three variations of each input block with reflections and 90 degree rotations.

dsTrainLabeled = transform(dsTrainLabeled,@augmentBlocksReflectionRotation);

Preview a batch of training data.

batch = preview(dsTrainLabeled); montage(batch(:,1),BorderSize=5,Size=[1 4])

You can improve the ability of the network to generalize to other data by performing additional randomized augmentation operations. For example, stain normalization is a common augmentation technique for WSI images. Stain normalization reduces the variability in color and intensity present in stained images from different sources [4].

Save the training and validation datastores to disk.


You can now use the datastores to train and validate a classification network. For an example, seeClassify Tumors in Multiresolution Blocked Images.


[1] Ehteshami Bejnordi, Babak, Mitko Veta, Paul Johannes van Diest, Bram van Ginneken, Nico Karssemeijer, Geert Litjens, Jeroen A. W. M. van der Laak, et al. “Diagnostic Assessment of Deep Learning Algorithms for Detection of Lymph Node Metastases in Women With Breast Cancer.”JAMA318, no. 22 (December 12, 2017): 2199–2210.

[2] Szegedy, Christian, Vincent Vanhoucke, Sergey Ioffe, Jonathon Shlens, and Zbigniew Wojna. “Rethinking the Inception Architecture for Computer Vision,” December 2, 2015.

[3] ImageNet.

[4] Macenko, Marc, Marc Niethammer, J. S. Marron, David Borland, John T. Woosley, Xiaojun Guan, Charles Schmitt, and Nancy E. Thomas. “A Method for Normalizing Histology Slides for Quantitative Analysis.” In2009 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 1107–10, 2009.

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