

Prepare model for hardware connection, add blocks to support hardware protocols


ALSA Audio Capture Capture audio from sound card using ALSA
ALSA Audio Playback Send audio to sound card for playback using ALSA
Audio File Read Read audio frames from an audio file
eSpeak Text to Speech Convert text to speech for output on default audio device
GPIO Read Read logical value of GPIO pin configured as input
GPIO Write Write logical value of GPIO pin configured as output
LED Illuminate built-in LED
PWM Pulse width modulation of digital output pin
SDL Video Display Display video using SDL
Standard Servo Write Drive servo motor to specified angle
I2C Master Read Read data from I2C slave device or I2C slave device register
I2C Master Write Write data to I2C slave device or I2C slave device register
SPI Master Transfer Write data to and read data from SPI slave device
SPI Register Read Read data from SPI slave device register
SPI Register Write Write data to registers of an SPI slave device
ThingSpeak Read Read data stored in ThingSpeak channel
ThingSpeak Write Publish data to the Internet of Things using ThingSpeak
UDP Receive Receive UDP packets over IP network
UDP Send Send UDP packets over IP network
TCP/IP Receive Receive data over TCP/IP network from remote host
TCP/IP Send Send data over TCP/IP network to another remote host
Serial Write Write data to the serial device
Serial Read Read data from serial device
V4L2 Video Capture Capture video from USB camera using V4L2
8x8 RGB LED Matrix Control pixel(s) color of 8x8 RGB LED Matrix
HTS221 Humidity Sensor Measure relative humidity and ambient temperature from Humidity sensor
Joystick Read the state of five-position Joystick
LPS25h Pressure Sensor Measure barometric air pressure and ambient temperature
LSM9DS1 IMU Sensor Measure linear acceleration, angular rate and magnetic field along X, Y, and Z axis
MQTT Publish Publish messages to MQTT broker on specified topic
MQTT Subscribe Receive messages from MQTT broker for specified topic


Model Configuration Simulink Support Package for Raspberry Pi Hardware

Specify hardware options to simulate and generate code for models of computer-based systems, such as embedded controllers.

Open Block Library for Raspberry Pi Hardware

Locate Simulink®block library for Raspberry Pi™ hardware

Use Camera Board with V4L2 Video Capture Block

Add Support for Raspberry Pi Camera Board

Log Signals on an SD Card

测井信号仿真软件模型在一个SD卡谅金宝app解备忘录nted on the target hardware
