

This example shows how to work with complex ROS messages in MATLAB, such as messages with nested submessages and variable-length arrays.

Some ROS message types have nested submessages that are of different message types. Such nested ROS messages can be arrays whose length (number of elements) cannot be predetermined. Typical examples of such message types include:

  • geometry_msgs/姿势Array:此消息类型包含类型的姿势数组geometry_msgs/姿势。它通常用于在特定的时间步骤中向机器人发送一堆航路点。

  • nav_msgs/Path:此消息类型包含类型的姿势数组geometry_msgs/姿势Stamped。It is typically used for the output of motion planners that send a path for the robot to follow. The path is represented as a sequence of poses, each with its own header and timestamp.



Load the source data, which contains waypoints of different lengths that need to be published on a single topic, for the robot to follow. The MAT filewayPointSets.matloads two sets of waypoints. These can be used to specify the pose array message. The waypoints are in the form of XYZ coordinates.



figure plot3(wayPointSet1(:,1),wayPointSet1(:,2),wayPointSet1(:,3),“* - ”) 网格Xlabel("X")ylabel("Y") zlabel("Z") 标题(“ Waypoint Set 1”)


figure plot3(wayPointSet2(:,1),wayPointSet2(:,2),wayPointSet2(:,3),"*-r") 网格Xlabel("X")ylabel("Y") zlabel("Z") 标题(“ Waypoint Set 2”)

图包含一个轴对象。The axes object with title Waypoint Set 2 contains an object of type line.

Initialize and Configure ROS Network

利用石榴石create a ROS master in MATLAB and start a global node that is connected to the master.

启动ROS Core ...在0.42665秒内完成。在http://初始化ROS Master。初始化带有Nodeuri的全局节点/Matlab_global_node_16105 http://dcc030405glnxa64:37551/and Masteruri http:// localhost:55465。

利用Rospublisher创建用于发送类型消息的ROS发布者geometry_msgs/姿势Array。Specify the name of the topic as/waypoints。添加一个ROS订户,该订户使用rossubscriber。利用messages in struct format for better efficiency.

pub = rospublisher("/waypoints",“ geometry_msgs/posearray”,"DataFormat",“结构”);sub = rossubscriber("/waypoints","DataFormat",“结构”);

利用rosmessagecreate an empty message based on the topic published by the publisher,pub

poseArrayMsg = rosmessage(pub);

Populate Message and Publish


%指定要发布的航点设置wayPointsToPublish = wayPointSet1;%填充姿势阵列消息poseMsg = rosmessage(“ geometry_msgs/pose”,"DataFormat",“结构”);fork = 1:size(wayPointsToPublish,1) poseMsg.Position.X = wayPointsToPublish(k,1); poseMsg.Position.Y = wayPointsToPublish(k,2); poseMsg.Position.Z = wayPointsToPublish(k,3); poseArrayMsg.Poses(k) = poseMsg;end

利用the发送将姿势数组消息发布到主题的功能/waypoints,使用ROS Publisher对象,pub


使用订阅者收到的姿势数组消息数据,使用LatestMessage属性Subscriber目的。利用horzcat将从接收的消息提取到结构阵列中的位置信息为了可视化的目的。利用plot3to visualize the waypoints as received by the subscriber. Note that the visualization matches that of the corresponding source waypoint data set.

receivedPoseArrayMsg1 = sub.LatestMessage; waypointPositions1 = horzcat(receivedPoseArrayMsg1.Poses.Position); figure plot3([waypointPositions1.X],[waypointPositions1.Y],[waypointPositions1.Z],“* - ”) 网格Xlabel("X")ylabel("Y") zlabel("Z") 标题(“通过ROS主题接收的Waypoint集1”)

图包含一个轴对象。The axes object with title Waypoint Set 1 Received Through ROS Topic contains an object of type line.

Now publish the second waypoint using the same procedure. Populate the pose array message with the new set of waypoint information.

%指定要发布的航点设置wayPointsToPublish = wayPointSet2;% Populate the Pose Array MessageposeMsg = rosmessage(“ geometry_msgs/pose”,"DataFormat",“结构”);fork = 1:size(wayPointsToPublish,1) poseMsg.Position.X = wayPointsToPublish(k,1); poseMsg.Position.Y = wayPointsToPublish(k,2); poseMsg.Position.Z = wayPointsToPublish(k,3); poseArrayMsg.Poses(k) = poseMsg;end

利用the发送function to publish the new pose array message to the same topic via the same ROS publisher object,pub


Visualize the pose array message data received by the subscriber by following the same procedure as before.

接收posearraymsg2 = sub.latestMessage;waypointpositions2 = vertcat(rectionposearraymsg2.2.poses.position);图3([waypointpositions2.x],[waypointpositions2.y],[waypointpositions2.z],"*-r") 网格Xlabel("X")ylabel("Y") zlabel("Z") 标题("Waypoint Set 2 Received Through ROS Topic")

图包含一个轴对象。The axes object with title Waypoint Set 2 Received Through ROS Topic contains an object of type line.


使用Nodeuri http://dcc030405glnxa64:37551/and Masteruri http:// localhost:55465关闭Nodeuri http://dcc030405glnxa64:37551/http:// dcc030405glnxa64:55465。在http://上关闭ROS Master。

If the waypoint set data has orientation information, you can populate it in the quaternion orientation fields of the individual pose message elements before publishing. To publish messages of typenav_msgs/Path,use the same procedure, but specify the individual pose message elements asgeometry_msgs/姿势Stampedtype要发布任何其他类型的消息,请将适当的嵌套消息类型指定为单个数组元素,并确保源数据集包含您要发布的所需信息。

See Also

Work with ROS Messages in Simulink
