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Obtain pose information for certain time


[position,orientation,velocity,acceleration,angularVelocity] = lookupPose(traj,sampleTimes)返回的姿势information of the waypoint trajectory at the specified sample times. If any sample time is beyond the duration of the trajectory, the corresponding pose information is returned asNaN.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Waypoint trajectory, specified as awaypointTrajectoryobject.

Sample times in seconds, specified as anM-element vector of nonnegative scalars.

Output Arguments

collapse all

Position in the local navigation coordinate system in meters, returned as anM3矩阵.

Mis specified by thesampleTimesinput.

Data Types:double

Orientation in the local navigation coordinate system, returned as anM-by-1quaternioncolumn vector or a 3-by-3-by-Mreal array.

Each quaternion or 3-by-3 rotation matrix is a frame rotation from the local navigation coordinate system to the current body coordinate system.

Mis specified by thesampleTimesinput.

Data Types:double

Velocity in the local navigation coordinate system in meters per second, returned as anM3矩阵.

Mis specified by thesampleTimesinput.

Data Types:double

Acceleration in the local navigation coordinate system in meters per second squared, returned as anM3矩阵.

Mis specified by thesampleTimesinput.

Data Types:double

Angular velocity in the local navigation coordinate system in radians per second, returned as anM3矩阵.

Mis specified by thesampleTimesinput.

Data Types:double

Version History

Introduced in R2020b