
Visualizing Simulation Data with Simulink

迈克尔·卡隆(Michael Carone),数学

You know that your Simulink®model has no structural problems because the simulation runs to completion. But how do you know that the system is behaving as it should? To answer this question you need to know what the simulation output looks like throughout the simulation and how changes in system parameters or environmental characteristics affect the system’s response.

With Simulink you have many options for obtaining this information. This article guides you through these options, from tools intended for the early phases of development, when you are still debugging the model, to tools more often used for deeper simulation data analysis.

Port Value Displays – Probe a Signal When Debugging a Model

When debugging a model to isolate a particular issue, you often need to probe a signal or set of signals. To do this in Simulink, you right-click a signal and select “Show Value Label of Selected Port". You can then monitor the value of a particular signal or the value of each element of a bus signal at each time step of the simulation (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Port Value Display showing four separate bus element values as the simulation runs.

To turn off the visualization you simply right-click the signal again and deselect that option.

Scopes and Other Display Blocks – View Simulation Data Quickly

The Port Value Display gives you the value of a signal at each simulation time step. To see how the values of signals change over time, you add a Scope block (Figure 2). Connect a signal line to a Scope block, run the simulation, and view the data both during and after the simulation.


You can add interactive cursors to a Scope block to measure various points on the signal or axes. Signal statistics such as maximum, minimum, and median values can be displayed for a given signal. You can add oscilloscope-like triggers so that the Scope displays a signal or pauses the display when certain events occur.


图3. DSP系统工具箱(左)和通信系统工具箱中的星座图(右)在Spectrum Analyzer中查看的仿真数据。

Dashboard Block Library – Tune and Monitor Simulations in One Place


图4. Simuli金宝appnk仪表板块图形控件和显示器库。



仿真数据检查器 - 查看和分析来自多个模拟的数据




MATLAB Graphics – Customize Your Data Analysis and Visualization

Many Simulink visualization tools focus primarily on the time and frequency domains. To view your data in other domains or in a way that is not available in Simulink, you can use MATLAB®. All data produced from Simulink can be accessed within MATLAB for further custom data analysis, either from the command line or through scripts. This data can then be viewed in MATLAB figures and charts (Figure 7).

图7.绘制foucault pendulum(左)x,y位置的3D直方图(左)和结果图(右)的3D直方图。



Figure 8. Instrumentation to control and monitor real-time simulations.

When tuning control systems, you can plot information such as the poles and zeros of the controller or the Bode response of the model with Simulink Control Design™ (Figure 9).

Figure 9. Bode response for a control system.

此外,为了更好地了解系统在其预期环境中的表现,您可以使用Simmechanics™,带FlightGear的AeroSpace BloveSets™和Simulink 3D Animation™将完整的3D环境连接到Simulink模型(图10)。金宝app

Figure 10. Virtual environment of a vehicle test track, created in Simulink 3D Animation.


Now that you have seen the wide array of visualization tools available throughout the design cycle, be sure to simulate your models often so that you find and remove design flaws as early as possible. Frequent simulations mean that your final implemented system will be better prepared for rigorous verification, validation, and testing.
