什么是\ a?

The answer:一种\A是一种lways一世,除非不是。


Why A\A ?<一种n一种me="ae338b95-f89b-4634-bbe2-add19f0fa92f">

我已经解释了我们的Backslash操作员已有近50年了,但是我不得不承认,今天的博客文章的标题看起来有些奇怪。你永远不会看到3\3为了numbers. So, what is一种\A


| a*x = a |

如果一种是square and nonsingular, thenX=一世。But what if一种是rectangular, or singular, or not known exactly? These are all nontrivial questions.

This post is my response to a recent internal discussion at MathWorks about backslash generating NaNs.


任何关于矩阵的通用声明应该应用licable to 1-by-1 matrices in particular. For 1-by-1 matrices, there is an easy answer to our question.

  • 如果一种是任何非零的数字,然后a \ a = 1

My colleague Pete Stewart likes to use "mono-elemental" for this important class of matrices.

Nonsingular matrices<一种n一种me="d6de032f-e1da-47b9-8f08-4bf7acd2eeaa">

当1 by-1的情况概括为较大n的n-n,它变成:

  • 如果一种是任何非源矩阵,然后一种\A = I,,,,

This is not the end of the story, of course. It's our job to investigate approximately nonsingular and approximately equals.


当我的女儿五年级时,她的数学老师告诉她,数学家还没有发现如何除以零。但是IEEE 754浮点算术标准的作者已经弄清楚了,并向我们保证了0\0是not equal to1,,,,but rather

  • 如果a = 0, 然后0\0不是数字。

一种nd, for a diagonal matrix of any order, this scalar case is applicable to each diagonal element.


如果一种是一种r一种nk deficient矩阵与等级r<n, 然后一种\Acannot possibly be一世。The rank of the product of two matrices cannot be larger than rank of either matrix. So一种\A无法胜任一种本身和

  • 如果一种排名不足,然后一种\A是definitely not一世

碰巧的是,最近的一期暹罗评论包括有关我的同事吉尔·斯特朗(Gil Strang)和我本人的关于矩阵等级“ lu和cr消除”的论文。该论文可从<一种href="https://epubs.siam.org/doi/epdf/10.1137/20M1358694">暹罗网站或吉尔<一种href="https://math.mit.edu/~gs/linearalgebra/lucr.pdf">麻省理工学院网站。另一个指针是<一种href="//www.tatmou.com/blogs/cleve/2020/10/23/">Cleve's Corner。

Lots of NaNs<一种n一种me="2e31bb2c-7c65-45ae-8d75-a1fecebbf576">


一种=0B = [1 0; 0 0] C = [1 2; 4 8] X = A\A Y = B\B Z = C\C
a = 0 b = 1 0 0 0 c = 1 2 4 8 x = nan y = 1 0 nan nan z = nan nan nan nan nan nan



small_fig warning离开nmax = 50; r = zeros(nmax,1); e = zeros(nmax,1);为了n = 1:nmax a =魔术(n);x = a \ a;i =眼(n);r(n)=等级(a);e(n)= norm(x-i);结尾


MATLAB uses three different algorithms for computing magic squares, odd, singly even and doubly even. If the ordern很奇怪,那a =魔术(n)是非语言的一种n和the elements of the computed一种\A一种re within roundoff error of the elements of一世。请注意,错误图的比例因子为3.0E-15。

n=3:2:nmax; plots(n,r,60,e,[],“奇怪的”


如果the ordern可以分开2,但不是4, 然后魔术(n)是r一种nk deficient. Its rank is about half its order. The error plot reflects the fact that一种\A是not一世

n=2:4:nmax; plots(n,r,60,e,200,"Singly even"


如果the ordern可以分开4, 然后魔术(n)排名不足。等级总是3。错误图无处不在。订单840have errors that are larger than my plot scale. Orders1632完全因为计算而缺少一种\A相遇0\0导致

n=4:4:nmax; plots(n,r,12,e,750,“偶尔”


pinv(a)*bmore "robust" than一种\b


使用PINV代替后斜线不会消除排名不足。这些困难已经存在于单元素矩阵中。唯一缺陷1 by-1矩阵的等级是0PINV(0)=0。这比您的脸部少于,但是你没有办法PINV(0)*0等于1


一种=0B = [1 0; 0 0] C = [1 2; 4 8] X = pinv(A)*A Y = pinv(B)*B Z = pinv(C)*C
一种=0B = 1 0 0 0 C = 1 2 4 8 X = 0 Y = 1 0 0 0 Z = 0.2000 0.4000 0.4000 0.8000

The NaNs are gone, but is this really "more robust" than backslash? If you still think so, explain wherez来自。


这是大约是正方形的,密集的,非对称矩阵一种。For such matrices:

  • 一种\Amay produce对于缺乏等级的矩阵。
  • pinv(a)*a避免通过尝试隐藏缺陷级别的矩阵。




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