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A GitHub Badge for the File Exchange

Only last month I was talking aboutbadges on the File Exchange。今天我要告诉你另一种徽章:GitHub徽章。

For a few years now (since 2014),GitHub和文件交换一直是名字的基础。也就是说,您可以将MATLAB代码放入GitHub上的repo中,然后将其连接到文件交换机,以便从两个地方找到和下载它。普拉斯托!现在你们两个世界都有最好的。您可以在GitHub上开发代码的所有优点,也可以在文件交换中提供市场范局和专业知识。Matlab Central是您在哪里遇到最有可能帮助您和最有可能从您的帮助中受益的人民的人。两种遭遇都是有益的!

These days, when you play on GitHub, you really need to have badges. They're used to convey all kinds of information: affiliation, build status, code coverage, license type, and so on. So today we're rolling out a GitHub badge for the File Exchange. It looks nice, it's inexpensive (free, in fact!), and it gives you a standard way to point back to your code's entry on the File Exchange. Until now, it wasn't always obvious that a given file on GitHub also had an entry on the File Exchange.



Let me show you how the process works. Suppose you have an entry on the File Exchange calledPrivate Cody Leaderboard。好吧运气会有它,我碰巧自己只有这样的物品。现在访问您在文件交换机上提交的详细信息页面。对我来说,这意味着going here:

At the top of the page (assuming your file is on GitHub) you'll see a note that says "Send more users to your File Exchange submission by adding this badge to your GitHub" Click the "Copy Markdown" button in the author tools banner at the top. The badge markdown code will be copied to the clipboard. Then you just need to paste the copied markdown code into yourGitHub README.mdand you should be able to see the badge.

这是what it looks like when you're done.

That's it! You're done. Easy peasy.

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