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Generalized Pareto mean and variance


[m,v] = gpstat(k,sigma,theta)


[m,v] = gpstat(k,sigma,theta)returns the mean of and variance for the generalized Pareto (GP) distribution with the tail index (shape) parameterk, scale parametersigma, and threshold (location) parameter,theta.

The default value forthetais 0.

Whenk = 0andtheta = 0, the GP is equivalent to the exponential distribution. Whenk > 0andtheta = sigma/k, the GP is equivalent to a Pareto distribution with a scale parameter equal tosigma/kand a shape parameter equal to1/k. The mean of the GP is not finite whenk1, and the variance is not finite whenk1/2. Whenk0, the GP has positive density forx > theta, or when

k < 0, 0 x θ σ 1 k .


[1] Embrechts, P., C. Klüppelberg, and T. Mikosch.Modelling Extremal Events for Insurance and Finance. New York: Springer, 1997.

[2] Kotz, S., and S. Nadarajah.Extreme Value Distributions: Theory and Applications. London: Imperial College Press, 2000.

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