Web Fake News Simulator

Covid-19模拟器,我描述的a recent blog postis also able to simulate the propagation of fake news by social media on the web. A simulation begins when a stream of fake news is introduced into the real news on popular social media outlets. The news propagates like a virus epidemic through forwarding, reposting and retweeting. It reaches a peak when the stream stops and there are fewer repostings to influence and it eventually runs its course. Here is every tenth frame of a typical simulation.



模拟涉及我所说的数量帖子。They behave like theagents在编程环境中NetLogo。我不是面向代理的计算的专家,但肯定可以使用MATLAB开发这种模拟。


The simple agents in this simulation move around a two-dimensional square web with constant individual velocities. Postings that are not entirely factual are known as假新闻。当他们靠近接近时,它们会影响其他帖子。新的合法界诞生,并以指定的价格为死亡。帖子具有在分数次数阶段测量的年龄。有六种帖子。
  • New。Bright green. Legitimate news posted during the simulation.
  • Current。绿。事实上,仍然相关。
  • Stale。深绿色。旧新闻,但仍然是事实。
  • Fake。品红。假新闻。当它变得太近时感染真正的消息。
  • Debunked。Magenta circle. Proved fake. No longer influential.
  • 删除。帖子removed from the web. Just counted.


动画中的模拟运行268个时间步长。时间在x轴上,而帖子数量的帖子数量在标题上。流从右上角进入,快速传播您所看到的未过滤的消息。在此示例中,过滤器仅适用于大约50%的帖子,因此完整的新闻源被污染。这是第一帧。这是100个没有被感染的合法界,并从右上角进入一个假的新帖子。这是一个大约一半到125的框架。所有五种活类型都存在,过滤器效果不大。总人口上升至112,这是针对这一特定运行的最大值。Here is the last frame. The stream has stopped and all the fake news has been debunked. This particular episode is over. The is still some current news that has not been affected and a handful of new postings.


  • infect。假新闻发布之间的时间措施。
  • birth。生命率真正的新闻。
  • 死亡。死亡率。
  • 力量。假新闻的有效性半径。
  • 期间。Time steps before a fake posting is busted.
  • 速度。Time steps between display updates.
  • filter。Effectiveness of fake news filter.




The frame on the right shows the running count for each type of posting. The first five types are still on the web, and their total number isN.那the current population.


在模拟期间的任何时间,您可以单击绘图按钮。第二个数字窗口弹出,用这样的图形打开。它在模拟的整个历史上绘制了人口普查。参数值显示在标题中。This is the history for the simulation is the animation. You can see that the current news population decreases from 100 at time zero to around 10 when the episode is over. The number of both new postings and old postings never gets above 10 in this particular setting. The number of fake postings almost reaches 50 before dropping to zero to end the epidemic. About 60 postings are debunked and a roughly equal number are removed from the web.


模拟器将在Cleve_Lab的5.2版中提供,在这个链接那until I get something that is not itself fake news to replace it.


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