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Upload Photos from Your Image Gallery to MATLAB Drive


随着MATLAB Mobile的最新版本,我们将您的图像和应用程序更加紧密。您现在可以将图像上传到MATLAB驱动器via the image gallery, or the ‘Share’ affordance from any application. Once these images are in your MATLAB Drive, you can access and work with them anywhere, and share them with others.


Before I show you how to upload your images, note that there are a few pre-requisites:

  1. 下载并安装Matlab Mobile(从App StoreorGoogle Play)。
  2. 通过登录到您的Mathworks帐户来连接到Mathworks Cloud。如果您没有帐户,则有一个应用程序内的选项可以创建一个帐户。

You will only need to do the above steps once.

这是我的图片库中的照片。要将此图像上传到MATLAB驱动器,我将首先选择“共享”选项,然后从我的选项列表中选择MATLAB驱动器。由于这是我的第一次尝试,因此我需要向右滚动并点击“更多”并启用“ Matlab Drive”。

启用MATLAB驱动器后,只需从选项列表中点击它,然后在提示时指定目标文件夹即可。瞧,您的图像已上传!您现在可以从Matlab Mobile访问图像。


Upload to MATLAB Drive from Other Apps

但“共享”选项是不限于你的图像放大e gallery. Here is an example of me uploading an email attachment directly to MATLAB Drive. This follows the same workflow once you have brought up the ‘Share’ menu (long tap on an email attachment for iOS).


上传图像后,您可以使用MATLAB和图像处理工具箱执行其他图像分析,增强和转换(以下是一些例子to get you started).

How are you using this feature? Let us know in the comments below.

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