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Create copy of occupancy grid



copyMap= copy(map)creates a deep copy of theoccupancyMapobject with the same properties.


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Copy an occupancy grid map object. Once copied, the original object can be modified without affecting the copied map.

Create an occupancy grid with zeros for an empty map.

p = zeros(10); map = occupancyMap(p);

Copy the occupancy grid map. Modify the original map. The copied map is not modified. Plot the two maps side by side.

mapCopy = copy(map); setOccupancy(map,[1:3;1:3]',ones(3,1)); subplot(1,2,1) show(map) title('Original map') subplot(1,2,2) show(mapCopy) title('Copied map')

Figure contains 2 axes objects. Axes object 1 with title Original map contains an object of type image. Axes object 2 with title Copied map contains an object of type image.

Input Arguments

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Map representation, specified as aoccupancyMap对象。This object represents the environment of the vehicle. The object contains a matrix grid with values representing the probability of the occupancy of that cell. Values close to 1 represent a high probability that the cell contains an obstacle. Values close to 0 represent a high probability that the cell is not occupied and obstacle free.

Output Arguments

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Map representation, specified as aoccupancyMap对象。属性是届e same as the input object,map, but the copy has a different object handle.

Version History

Introduced in R2019b