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Inverse maximal overlap discrete wavelet packet transform



xrec= imodwpt(coefs)returns the inverse maximal overlap discrete wavelet packet transform (inverse MODWPT), inxrec. The inverse transform is for the terminal node coefficient matrix (coefs) obtained usingmodwptwith the default length 18 Fejér-Korovkin ('fk18') wavelet.


xrec= imodwpt(coefs,wname)returns the inverse MODWPT using the orthogonal filter specified bywname. This filter must be the same filter used inmodwpt.


xrec= imodwpt(coefs,lo,hi)returns the inverse MODWPT using the orthogonal scaling filter,lo, and wavelet filter,hi.



Obtain the MODWPT of an ECG waveform and demonstrate perfect reconstruction using the inverse MODWPT.

loadwecg; wpt = modwpt(wecg); xrec = imodwpt(wpt); subplot(2,1,1) plot(wecg); title('Original ECG Waveform'); subplot(2,1,2) plot(xrec); title('Reconstructed ECG Waveform');

Figure contains 2 axes objects. Axes object 1 with title Original ECG Waveform contains an object of type line. Axes object 2 with title Reconstructed ECG Waveform contains an object of type line.

Find the largest absolute difference between the original signal and the reconstruction. The difference is on the order of 1 0 - 1 1 , which demonstrates perfect reconstruction.

ans = 1.7903e-11

Obtain the MODWPT of Southern Oscillation Index data using the Daubechies extremal phase wavelet with two vanishing moments ('db2'). Reconstruct the signal using the inverse MODWPT.

loadsoi; wsoi = modwpt(soi,'db2'); xrec = imodwpt(wsoi,'db2');

Obtain the MODWPT of Southern Oscillation Index data using specified scaling and wavelets filters with the Daubechies extremal phase wavelet with two vanishing moments ('db2').

loadsoi; [lo,hi] = wfilters('db2'); wpt = modwpt(soi,lo,hi); xrec = imodwpt(wpt,lo,hi);

Plot the original SOI waveform and the reconstructed waveform.

subplot(2,1,1) plot(soi) title('Original SOI Waveform'); subplot(2,1,2) plot(xrec) title('Reconstructed SOI Waveform')

Figure contains 2 axes objects. Axes object 1 with title Original SOI Waveform contains an object of type line. Axes object 2 with title Reconstructed SOI Waveform contains an object of type line.

Input Arguments


Terminal node coefficients of a wavelet packet tree, specified as a matrix. You must obtain the coefficient matrix frommodwptusing the'FullTree',falseoption.'FullTree',falseis the default value ofmodwpt.

Data Types:double

Synthesizing wavelet filter used to invert the MODWPT, specified as a character vector or string scalar. The specified wavelet must be the same wavelet as used in the analysis withmodwpt.

Scaling filter, specified as an even-length real-valued vector.lomust be the same scaling filter as used in the analysis withmodwpt. You cannot specify both a scaling-wavelet filter pair and awnamefilter.

Wavelet filter, specified as an even-length real-valued vector.himust be the same wavelet filter used in the analysis withmodwpt. You cannot specify both a scaling-wavelet filter pair and awnamefilter.

Output Arguments


Inverse maximal overlap discrete wavelet packet transform, returned as a row vector. The inverse transform is the reconstructed version of the original signal based on the MODWPT terminal node coefficients.xrechas the same number of columns as the inputcoefsmatrix.


[1] Percival, D. B., and A. T. Walden.小波时间序列分析的方法. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2000.

[2] Walden, A.T., and A. Contreras Cristan. “The phase-corrected undecimated discrete wavelet packet transform and its application to interpreting the timing of events.”Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A. Vol. 454, Issue 1976, 1998, pp. 2243-2266.

Extended Capabilities

Introduced in R2016a