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Image Category Classification and Image Retrieval

Create a bag of visual words for image classification and content-based image retrieval (CBIR) systems

To classify images into categories, you generate a histogram of visual word occurrences that represent an image. These histograms, called a bag of visual words, are used to train an image category classifier. You can also use the Computer Vision Toolbox™ functions to search by image, also known as a content-based image retrieval (CBIR) system. CBIR systems are used to retrieve images from a collection of images that are similar to a query image.


Image Labeler Label images for computer vision applications
Video Labeler Label video for computer vision applications


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trainImageCategoryClassifier Train an image category classifier
bagOfFeatures Bag of visual words object
imageCategoryClassifier Predict image category
invertedImageIndex Search index that maps visual words to images
evaluateImageRetrieval Evaluate image search results
indexImages Create image search index
retrieveImages Search image set for similar image
imageDatastore 数据存储的图像数据


Get Started

Get Started with the Image Labeler

Interactively label rectangular ROIs for object detection, pixels for semantic segmentation, and scenes for image classification.

Classify Images

Create a Custom Feature Extractor

You can use the bag-of-features (BoF) framework with many different types of image features.

Image Classification with Bag of Visual Words

Use the Computer Vision Toolbox functions for image category classification by creating a bag of visual words.

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