
一个形象d Video Labeling

Interactive image and video labeling for object detection, semantic segmentation, and image classification

Use theImage Labelerand theVideo Labeler应用程序在图像,视频或图像序列集合中交互式标记地面真实数据。您可以为对象检测标记矩形的兴趣区域(ROIS),语义分割像素,以及图像分类的场景。该应用程序还包括计算机视觉算法,以自动标记地面真理数据与检测和跟踪算法一起使用。它还提供了一个API和工作流,使您可以导入自己的算法来自动化地面真实数据的标签。

To get started labeling a collection of images, see开始使用图像贴标程序. To get started labeling a video, see开始使用视频贴标程序.


Image Labeler Label images for computer vision applications
Video Labeler Label video for computer vision applications


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attributeType Attribute type enumerations for labeling
changeFilePaths Change file paths in ground truth data
LabelType. 标签标签键入枚举
SelectLabelsByGroup. Select ground truth labels by label group
selectLabelsByType Select ground truth labels by label type
selectlabelsbyname. Select ground truth labels by label name
objectDetectorTrainingData Create training data for an object detector
PixellabeldAtastore. Datastore for pixel label data
pixelLabelTrainingData Create training data for semantic segmentation from ground truth
地面 Ground truth label data
地下adatasource. Object for storing ground truth data sources
labelDefinitionCreator Object for storing, modifying and creating label definitions table
创造 Create label definitions table from the label definition creator object
info Display information about a label, sublabel, or attribute stored in label definition creator object
addlabel. Add label to label definition creator object
addSublabel 将sublabel添加到标签定义创建者对象中的标签
addAttribute Add attributes to label or sublabel in label definition creator object
EditLabelGroup. 修改标签组名称
EditGroupName. 更改组名称
editLabelDescription Modify description of label or sublabel in label definition creator object
recorttributeescription. Modify description of attribute in label definition creator object
removelabel. 从标签定义创建器对象删除标签
removeSublabel Remove sublabel from label in label definition creator object
removeAttribute Remove attribute from label or sublabel in label definition creator object
地面 Ground truth label data
vision.labeler.AutomationAlgorithm Interface for algorithm automation in ground truth labeling
initialize Initialize state for algorithm execution (optional)
run Run label automation on every frame in interval
terminate Terminate automated algorithm (optional)
checkSetup Set up validation (optional)
checksignaltype. Validate signal type
核对标准义法 Validate label definition
setserstDialog. Display algorithm settings (optional)
vision.labeler.mixin.Temporal Mixin接口,用于将时间上下文添加到自动化算法
supportsReverseAutomation Set reverse algorithm automation flag


Get Started


Decide which app to use to label ground truth data:Image Labeler,Video Labeler,Ground Truth Labeler,Lidar Labeler,Signal Labeler, orAudio Labeler.





Keyboard Shortcuts and Mouse Actions for Image Labeler

使用键盘快捷键和鼠标操作以增加生产率的同时使用Image Labeler应用程序。

Keyboard Shortcuts and Mouse Actions for Video Labeler

使用键盘快捷键和鼠标操作以增加生产率的同时使用Video Labeler应用程序。


Use Custom Image Source Reader for Labeling

Create a reader function to load a custom image data source into theGround Truth Labeler要么Video Labeler.

Label Ground Truth

Label Pixels for Semantic Segmentation



了解ROI Sublabels如何以及属性在标签应用中的工作。

View Summary of Ground Truth Labels

View a summary of ROI and scene labels in a labeling app session.

Automate Labeling

Create Automation Algorithm for Labeling

Create a custom automation algorithm to use in a labeling app.

Temporal Automation Algorithms


Use Ground Truth Labels

Share and Store Labeled Ground Truth Data


How Labeler Apps Store Exported Pixel Labels

Learn how the labeling apps store pixel label data.

Training Data for Object Detection and Semantic Segmentation

Create training data for object detection or semantic segmentation using theImage Labeler要么Video Labeler.