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Check if locations are free or occupied



iOccval= checkOccupancy(map3D,xyz)returns an array of occupancy values specified at thexyzlocations using theOccupiedThresholdandFreeThresholdproperties of the inputoccupancyMap3Dobject. Each row is a separatexyzlocation in the map to check the occupancy of. Occupancy values can be obstacle-free (0), occupied (1), or unknown (–1).


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Import a 3-D occupancy map.

map3D = importOccupancyMap3D("citymap.ot")
map3D = occupancyMap3D with properties: ProbabilitySaturation: [1.0000e-03 0.9990] Resolution: 1 OccupiedThreshold: 0.6500 FreeThreshold: 0.2000

Display the map.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Occupancy Map contains an object of type patch.

Check the occupancy statuses of different locations and get their occupancy values.

iOccVal1 = checkOccupancy(map3D,[50 15 0])
iOccVal1 = 0
OccVal1 = getOccupancy(map3D,[50 15 0])
OccVal1 = 0.0019
iOccVal2 = checkOccupancy(map3D,[50 15 15])
iOccVal2 = 1
OccVal2 = getOccupancy(map3D,[50 15 15])
OccVal2 = 0.6500
iOccVal3 = checkOccupancy(map3D,[50 15 45])
iOccVal3 = -1
OccVal3 = getOccupancy(map3D,[50 15 45])
OccVal3 = 0.5000

Input Arguments

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3-D occupancy map, specified as anoccupancyMap3Dobject.

World coordinates, specified as ann3矩阵of[x y z]points, wherenis the number of world coordinates.

Output Arguments

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Interpreted occupancy values, returned as a column vector with the same length asxyz.

Occupancy values can be obstacle-free (0), occupied (1), or unknown (–1). These values are determined from the actual probability values and theOccupiedThresholdandFreeThresholdproperties of themap3Dobject.

Version History

Introduced in R2019b