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Robot Models

Rigid body tree models, forward kinematics, dynamics, joint- and task-space motion models

Robot models simulate the kinematic and dynamic properties of manipulator robots and other rigid body systems. The models arerigidBodyTreeobjects containingrigidBodyandrigidBodyJointelements with joint transformations and inertial properties.

Access predefined models for certain commercial robots, such as KINOVA™ and KUKA™, using theloadrobotfunction.

Import existing UDRF orSimscape™ Multibody™models usingimportrobot.

Model the motion of the robots using joint- or task-space motion models asjointSpaceMotionModelandtaskSpaceMotionModelobjects.


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importrobot Import rigid body tree model from URDF, SDF file, text, orSimscapeMultibodymodel
loadrobot Load rigid body tree robot model
rigidBodyTree Create tree-structured robot
rigidBody Create a rigid body
rigidBodyJoint Create a joint
interactiveRigidBodyTree Interact with rigid body tree robot models
jointSpaceMotionModel Model rigid body tree motion given joint-space inputs
taskSpaceMotionModel Model rigid body tree motion given task-space reference inputs
getTransform Get transform between body frames
randomConfiguration Generate random configuration of robot
homeConfiguration Get home configuration of robot
show Show robot model in figure
centerOfMass Center of mass position and Jacobian
externalForce Compose external force matrix relative to base
forwardDynamics Joint accelerations given joint torques and states
geometricJacobian Geometric Jacobian for robot configuration
gravityTorque Joint torques that compensate gravity
inverseDynamics Required joint torques for given motion
massMatrix Joint-space mass matrix
velocityProduct Joint torques that cancel velocity-induced forces


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Forward Dynamics Joint accelerations given joint torques and states
Inverse Dynamics Required joint torques for given motion
Get Jacobian Geometric Jacobian for robot configuration
Get Transform Get transform between body frames
Gravity Torque Joint torques that compensate gravity
Joint Space Mass Matrix Joint-space mass matrix for robot configuration
Velocity Product Torque Joint torques that cancel velocity-induced forces
Joint Space Motion Model Model rigid body tree motion given joint-space inputs
Task Space Motion Model Model rigid body tree motion given task-space inputs



Rigid Body Tree Robot Model

Explore the structure and specific components of a rigid body tree robot model.

Build a Robot Step by Step

This example goes through the process of building a robot step by step, showing you the different robot components and how functions are called to build it.

Build Manipulator Robot Using Kinematic DH Parameters

Use the Denavit-Hartenberg (DH) parameters of the Puma560® manipulator robot to incrementally build a rigid body tree robot model.


Robot Dynamics

This topic details the different elements, properties, and equations of rigid body robot dynamics.Robot dynamicsare the relationship between the forces acting on a robot and the resulting motion of the robot.

Compute Joint Torques To Balance An Endpoint Force and Moment

Generate torques to balance an endpoint force acting on the end-effector body of a planar robot.


Configure Gazebo and Simulink for Co-simulation of a Manipulator Robot

Set up a UR10 robot model to perform co-simulation between Gazebo and Simulink™.

Control Manipulator Robot with Co-Simulation in Simulink and Gazebo

模拟控制的机器人机械手使用有限公司-simulation between Simulink and Gazebo.

Featured Examples