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Mobile Robot Algorithm Design

Mapping, path planning, path following, state estimation

These Robotics System Toolbox™ algorithms focus on mobile robotics or ground vehicle applications. These algorithms help you with the entire mobile robotics workflow from mapping to planning and control. You can create maps of environments using occupancy grids, develop path planning algorithms for robots in a given environment, and tune controllers to follow a set of waypoints. Perform state estimation based on lidar sensor data from your robot.


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binaryOccupancyMap Create occupancy grid with binary values
getOccupancy Get occupancy value of locations
inflate Inflate each occupied grid location
move Move map in world frame
occupancyMatrix Convert occupancy grid to matrix
raycast Compute cell indices along a ray
lidarScan Create object for storing 2-D lidar scan
plot Display laser or lidar scan readings
removeInvalidData Remove invalid range and angle data
transformScan Transform laser scan based on relative pose
stateEstimatorPF Create particle filter state estimator
initialize Initialize the state of the particle filter
predict Predict state of robot in next time step
correct Adjust state estimate based on sensor measurement
getStateEstimate Extract best state estimate and covariance from particles
mobileRobotPRM Create probabilistic roadmap path planner
findpath Find path between start and goal points on roadmap
controllerPurePursuit Create controller to follow set of waypoints
ackermannKinematics Car-like steering vehicle model
bicycleKinematics Bicycle vehicle model
differentialDriveKinematics Differential-drive vehicle model
unicycleKinematics Unicycle vehicle model


Ackermann Kinematic Model Car-like vehicle motion using Ackermann kinematic model
Bicycle Kinematic Model Compute car-like vehicle motion using bicycle kinematic model
Differential Drive Kinematic Model Compute vehicle motion using differential drive kinematic model
Unicycle Kinematic Model Compute vehicle motion using unicycle kinematic model
Pure Pursuit Linear and angular velocity control commands


Mapping and Path Planning

Motion Modeling

Robot Control

State Estimation

  • Particle Filter Parameters
    To use thestateEstimatorPFparticle filter, you must specify parameters such as the number of particles, the initial particle location, and the state estimation method.
  • Particle Filter Workflow
    A particle filter is a recursive, Bayesian state estimator that uses discrete particles to approximate the posterior distribution of the estimated state.
  • Track a Car-Like Robot Using Particle Filter
    Particle filter is a sampling-based recursive Bayesian estimation algorithm, which is implemented in thestateEstimatorPFobject.