Motion Modeling and Coordinate Systems

Perform array and target trajectory modeling, coordinate transformations, and compute Doppler shift

The Phased Array System Toolbox™ lets you model the motion of radars, sonars, targets, jammers, or interference sources using thephased.PlatformSystem object™. This System object provides constant velocity and constant acceleration motion models. These motion models can generate almost any type of trajectory. You can display a 3-D visualization of a radar scenario using thephased.ScenarioViewerSystem object. The toolbox contains several utility functions that let you transform between coordinates systems, transform between angular coordinates, and convert between velocity and Doppler shift.


phased.Platform Model platform motion
phased.ScenarioViewer Display motion of radars and targets


运动平台 Motion platform


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dop2speed Convert Doppler shift to speed
speed2dop 将速度转换为多普勒班次
radialspeed Relative radial speed
rangeangle Range and angle calculation
global2localcoord Convert global to local coordinates
local2globalcoord Convert local to global coordinates
rotx Rotation matrix for rotations around x-axis
roty Rotation matrix for rotations around y-axis
rotz Rotation matrix for rotations around z-axis
cart2sphvec Convert vector from Cartesian components to spherical representation
sph2cartvec Convert vector from spherical basis components to Cartesian components
azelaxes 3×3矩阵形式的球形基载体
uv2azel Convert u/v coordinates to azimuth/elevation angles
azel2uv Convert azimuth/elevation angles to u/v coordinates
phitheta2azel Convert angles from phi/theta form to azimuth/elevation form
Azel2phitheta. Convert angles from azimuth-elevation form to phi-theta form
Uv2phitheta. Convert u/v coordinates to phi/theta angles
phitheta2uv Convert phi/theta angles to u/v coordinates


Motion Modeling



Doppler Shift and Pulse-Doppler Processing

Compute target motion using Doppler processing.

Coordinate Systems

Global and Local Coordinate Systems

Learn about the local and global coordinate systems used in the toolbox.

Global and Local Coordinate Systems Radar Example

This example shows how several different coordinate systems come into play when modeling a typical radar scenario.

Rectangular Coordinates

Construct a rectangular, or Cartesian, coordinate system for three-dimensional space by specifying three mutually orthogonal coordinate axes.

Spherical Coordinates

Spherical coordinates describe a vector or point in space with a distance and two angles.

Standards and Conventions

This section introduces the concept of baseband signals and defines the local and global coordinate systems used in the toolbox.

Units of Measure and Physical Constants

Phased Array System Toolbox uses the International System of Units (SI).