
Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (vSLAM)


Visual simultaneous localization and mapping (vSLAM), refers to the process of calculating the position and orientation of a camera, with respect to its surroundings, while simultaneously mapping the environment. The process uses only visual inputs from the camera. Applications for visual SLAM include augmented reality, robotics, and autonomous driving. For more details, see在MATLAB中实施视觉大满贯.


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检测表 检测冲浪功能并返回SURFPointsobject
检测器 Detect ORB keypoints and return anOrbpointsobject
extractFeatures 提取兴趣点描述符
matchFeatures Find matching features
matchFeaturesInRadius Find matching features within specified radius
三角剖分 立体声图像中未发生匹配点的3-D位置
worldToImage Project world points into image
pointsToWorld 确定图像点的世界坐标
估计分析图2d Estimate 2-D geometric transformation from matching point pairs
估计分析图3D Estimate 3-D geometric transformation from matching point pairs
estimateFundamentalMatrix Estimate fundamental matrix from corresponding points in stereo images
estimateWorldCameraPose Estimate camera pose from 3-D to 2-D point correspondences
findWorldPointsInView Find world points observed in view
findWorldPointsInTracks Find world points that correspond to point tracks
Relativecamerapose 计算相对旋转和相机姿势之间的翻译
optimizePoses 使用相对姿势约束优化绝对姿势
createPoseGraph Create pose graph
bundleAdjustment Adjust collection of 3-D points and camera poses
bundleAdjustmentMotion Adjust collection of 3-D points and camera poses using motion-only bundle adjustment
bundleAdjustmentStructure 使用仅结构捆绑调整来完善3-D点
imshow Display image
showMatchedFeatures Display corresponding feature points
plot Plot view set views and connections
plotCamera Plot a camera in 3-D coordinates
PCSHOW Plot 3-D point cloud
pcplayer Visualize streaming 3-D point cloud data
imageviewset Manage data for structure-from-motion, visual odometry, and visual SLAM
worldpointset Manage 3-D to 2-D point correspondences
indexImages 创建图像搜索索引
invertedImageIndex 搜索将视觉单词映射到图像的索引
bogoffeatures Bag of visual words object
